Exams and Assessments
Exams and Assessments at Chalkhill
Reception |
Summer Term |
There are no exams in reception but during the summer term, teachers will be assessing children’s learning in the 17 areas of the early year’s curriculum. These assessments are statutory and will be reported to the local authority. You will also be notified about your children’s attainment in these areas. |
Year 1 |
Early June |
During early June, children in year 1 will be sitting a phonics screening check. This is a statutory check of children’s ability to read letters and recognise sounds. They will do the check individually with an adult with whom they are comfortable. The check has a pass or fail result and is reported to the government and to parents. If children fail the check or miss it in year 1, they will have a chance to sit it again in year 2. |
Year 2 |
May |
During the month of May, Year 2 will be sitting the End of Key Stage One Statutory Assessment Tests also known as SATs. The children will work in small groups with their teacher or another familiar adult to complete tests in reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling. The class teacher will use the test result as well as their knowledge of the child gained throughout the year to make a teacher assessment of their learning in English, maths and science. We will report these assessments to the local authority and to parents. |
Year 3-5 |
Mid May |
Children in year 3, 4 and 5 will sit tests in reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling and mathematics. These tests are not statutory; we use them to check knowledge and to help children to develop exam technique. Tests are completed as part of normal lessons with the focus on exam technique. The results of these tests are not reported to the local authority and will not be reported to parents. Children will be made aware of their areas of strengths and weakness and will be given the opportunity to improve their work. Information about individual and general areas for improvement will be given to their next teacher so that they can plan to fill the gaps before moving on to the next year’s curriculum. |
Year 4 |
June |
Children in year 4 will sit the Multiplication Tables Check. This is a check of the children’s knowledge of multiplication facts and the related division facts. The check is carried out using an online platform and can be done on ipads or computers. |
Year 6 |
May |
Children in year 6 will sit End of Key Stage Two Statutory assessment Tests also known as SATs. The children will work in groups with familiar adults to complete tests in reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling. The tests marked externally and we receive a result in early July. A teacher assessment of each child’s learning in writing and science is sent to the local authority. Both test results and teacher assessment are reported to parents. Schools selected for science sampling will need to be available to administer the tests within the 2 week period from Monday 8 June 2020. |
*At each key stage, teacher assessment is moderated and confirmed through regular local authority moderation visits and inter-school moderation meetings throughout the year.
At Chalkhill we know that our children are so much more than just test results however assessment periods can be a stressful time for young people. Here are some ways that you can support your child during this time:
- Try to maintain good punctuality and attendance so that your child does not miss vital learning.
- Encourage your child to study little and often they should take revision breaks and find a balance between studying and doing things they find enjoyable and relaxing.
- Make sure they are eating and drinking healthy food and drink at regular intervals.
- Encourage good bedtime routine and a regular wake up time.
- Reassure them – reinforce that you are and will be proud of them no matter what happens.
- Plan a treat or an activity together to mark the end of the exams.
- Set aside one to one time so that they can talk to you about any worries and work with them to develop relaxation techniques.
If you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher or the school assessment coordinator