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Message from the Chair of Governors

When you visit us at Chalkhill Primary you will be greeted by the lively learning ‘buzz’ characteristic of schools where teaching is much more than ‘delivering’ lessons and where learning is not just a matter of  ‘reaching or exceeding levels’.

Children will be eager to tell you about their learning and keen to discuss the latest book they are reading. They will be bursting with enthusiasm and curiosity and they will tell you all about the clubs, the special days, the visits and the visitors. You are likely to bump into child dancers, artists, musicians, writers, singers, mathematicians, sportspeople, scientists, gardeners and scientists.

You will meet committed staff who know their children well, have high expectations and aspirations for every single one of them and always willing to go that little but further.

Add to that the warmth of a friendly school community with strong shared values and you have something very special. I am proud to be Chair of Governors at such a school and to be involved in helping it to become ever more effective as a place where every child matters.

Do come and see for yourselves.

Zina Manda

Chair Of Governors